Thursday, September 4, 2008

LDN, the Water Cure and Multiple Sclerosis

My husband, Ed, suffered an acute Multiple Sclerosis attack in 2005 (at the age of 27), 4 months after our son was born, which left him paralyzed from the waist down. He received a firm diagnosis a few months later. While it appears to run in his family, we were told by neurologists at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota that MS is NOT known to be hereditary, though I have heard otherwise. For example, a recent article published in Forbes Magazine claims that there are "two genes associated with autoimmune disorders, HLA-DR2 and HLA-DR4..." which are "found in 65% to 75% of all MS patients..." There are many theories on MS, but it seemed to us that the origins of this enigmatic disease will only be found at the end of a rainbow...

So, here we are, obviously not doctors, but people simply curious to find a solution other than the options that he has been given. After a few years on Rebif, and a few relapses, Ed informed me that his treatments were not working any longer. He was tired, and I knew that his lack of control over the situation was ultimately frustrating and saddening him. We had really tried a lot of things. As previously mentioned, we sat at the Mayo Clinic for several days only to be told that we should continue to "maintain" his state, meaning no more progression, and yet we still had no solution for that except pure chance and hope (faith even?)....

We tried acupuncture, vitamins/supplements, diets, reiki and even colonic-irrigation. (I was sooo ready to accept this procedure as an all encompassing solution to every disease/problem, that it would work miracles as people have claimed online, but unfortunately we were left $200 lighter with an uncomfortable experience and a silent car ride home.)

While we had done some previous research on Low Dose Naltrexone, we knew that he could not be on Rebif at the same time; the two drugs would counteract each other. The transition period would possibly leave him at risk for a major relapse. Months later though, it no longer seemed to matter. The current treatments were not working. I finally sat down and did more research on LDN, as well as "The Water Cure," which I had heard about several years ago. The testimonies seemed unreal. It appeared that everyone (and I mean every single testimony anywhere online) made claims that Naltrexone, FDA approved to treat heroin addiction - in low-doses - stops the progression of multiple sclerosis and, in many cases, helps sufferers regain lost functioning.

[If you have MS or another disease and are interested in LDN or the water cure, I recommend that you do your research and decide for yourself. This blog has two links on the side bar to start you out.]

It was difficult to find someone to prescribe LDN - though it has no side effects and apparently has a high success rate in halting the progression of MS - but we definitely found a doctor who is very enthusiastic. Neither one of his neurologists would get involved. He first began the 'Water Cure' and started the LDN once the prescription arrived in the mail.

Over the next few months/years/decades we will post his experiences with LDN and the "Water Cure." I strongly encourage you to visit the websites and decided for yourself if either one is right for you. While we found great information online about MS and LDN, we have not found anyone tracking their experience. MS is such a day to day thing, uncertain and scary as well, that we thought it would be a good idea to walk others through Ed's transitions by posting updates on a regular basis.

-Bridget Freeland


awb said...

I wish you both all the luck in the world. I'm still looking for a doctor to prescribe the LDN. Neither of the neuros at U of MD medical center or Johns Hopkins will go near it, no clinical trials. I was 26 when this all started, just hoping to catch a break! Take care, and I will revisit the water cure, thanks.

Lisa Emrich said...

Hi Bridget,

I'm a fellow MSer. Well at least fellow to your hubbie. But I think spouses count as they too live with our disease.

I have no experience with LDN but will be interested in reading about yours. I blog at Brass and Ivory as well as write at Health Central.

I hope to see you around the blogosphere. Welcome

Anonymous said...

My name is Bob Butts of the water cure. I have never seen a single person with MS who didn't do one or more of the following which wrecks one's immune system. Uses too much caffeine, alcohol or soda and/or too little water or unprocessed sea salt.
thbe reason the water cure works so well is that people with MS are deficient in one or more of the aforementioned. view the TV news specials of it on we sell nothing nor will accept anything. be happy to help you.
Bob Butts

buy generic viagra said...

I wish you the best in the world I'm doing some research work any additional information I will give

Anonymous said...

Hi, My name is Stewart and i was diagnosed with MS at age 19. I am now 27, living in NSW Australia. For as far as i can remember back i haven't really liked doctors. The biggest reason being they (doctors, BIG Pharma etc. So add that to a deep denial i found myself in for sometime, yrs. I haven't had to endure the abuse of mainstream medicine :) Also i must note that when i started or was going to start whatever treatments i just do my own head in and believe somewhat brings some side effects on, compared to those who dont over think about things. Anyway moving along.

My MS has been some what aggressive over the last 5 yrs give or take. I tried Rebif but only lasted like 2 months, fatigue was a really big problem already from the MS and the Rebif was just impossible as Rebif causes just that more fatigue! So at that time i think i was like 23 (give or take) there was not much more they can do. How ever long after i was going to be apart of a worldwide test study for fingolimod. Again those who know about the drug are unsettling and for me mentally was hard. But never the less i was still willing and was going ahead with taking part in the test, that was till the study was cancelled for my region!!

So only thing they had was Tysbari. Now this one made me laugh. 1 in 1000 chance of becoming a vegetable or die!!! WTF are you guys kidding me or what lol!!! Yes to me this was totally iNsaNE! I didnt care what else they said there was just no way. Then i had a relapse that started to really affect my walking could still walk but was struggling was admitted to hospital and given a course of prednisone, which also had a course of before and felt not bad for 1-2 yrs. I have recently asked my Nuros at the brain and mind institute in Sydney for some kind of scheduled dose of prednisone say every 2yrs seeing i felt pretty good, but as they explained to me prednisone is not preventative. I have been away from doctors for around a year and now have gone back. They offered the same old sht except what do you know fingolimod was available for all and i started finishing her sentences off and she now knew i knew a lot about it. With Fingolimod the side effect that i was and still am doing my head over is the whole watching the amount of sunlight i have and always having to put sun lotion everyday. But now i have began the same old process and very close to backing out.

So now that i have gone far too deep and a bit off track i will get to this water cure which is still very new to (3 days).

Pre 3 days ago some MS symptoms are: Pins n needles in my hands, balance, urinating feels impossible, stool being affected could go without for over a week without even trying, fatigue from the heat.

Fastforward 3 days of just water and half a tsp of sea salt and pins n needles in my right hand has nearly gone! while the worse of the two hand the left has improved considerably. My urinating is back better then i can ever remember. And my stool is back to 1-2 releases a day :)As for the rest time will tell, and i am pretty sure i am not doing properly and yet it still is working for me. I am so grateful for this information. I will be bookmarking all the pages i post on and update my progress cause the water cure right now to me seems like it should be common knowledge... Thank you again to all <3

sorry for long story and my inability to take proof ready serious lol